Ok…Ok… I know that I still owe myself (or you?) to write the sequel of previously Disneyland story. I promise myself that it will be released very soon. Otherwise I will forget the ‘benang merah’ of the story. Right , Niken and Pus???
But this article I’m about to post is too ‘hot’ to write. It is not as ‘hot’ as the video clip of YZ and ME, but in terms of that it burnt my head, hurt my feeling, and ripped my pocket. Nahhhhh tripleX kan jadinya?
It’s about our Perlach canteens (1, 2 and 3) or so called Perlach casinos in Deutsch. Almost all employees go there to have their lunch. They open from about 11.00 am till around 13.30. They were actually nice from the architecture wise that they look like ones of those LEGO boxes from your son’s collection, or when you talk about ambiance preference. It was also not far ....ummm…like a-thrown-away-stone from our working place. I mean it would not hurt your leg so bad, even in this winter time. But pleasssssseeeee….do not ask me about the available daily menu. ACDB - Ahhh Capek Deh Boooo……nyulik istilah Zeverina pengelola KoKi itu.
You could hardly remember when was the last time you had your lunch there with a nice menu that suit your appetite. It was not only my opinion, but was also shared by other colleagues of mine, or the colleagues of my colleagues, who had been joining the company and been going to those canteens. Not that I was expecting Rendang or Sayur Asem completed with Tempe Goreng and Perkedel jagung or other lovely Indonesian food (hmmmmm they were so yummmy just by thinking of them) would be served there. I can still count on my moderate tongue..... But at least, please be more (but not so) explorative with those menu. They surely seem not so good at it. I never have that excited feeling while walking to them, wondering how would the food taste be, as I can download their weekly menu from the Internet. Moreover that pleasant emotion driven by full tummy and happy tongue after coming out. Jauhhhh....itu mahhh.
(If you do not like it…simple...why you DO still eat there, Arman....go to other places! said me, ignorantly)
What a silly question pal… Name it…I’ve been to MacDo or Asiatisch Restaurant in Neuperlach Centrum (two minutes by TrainU5 or Bus 192) when this 'eneg' feeling came up. But how far I could go...coba? Contractually, we only have one hour to spend for lunch and rest - not including posting and blog walking.
Bisa aja kan…gue balik nanya…… kalo mereka nggak becus ngurusin menu, ngapain-mereka-masih-ngotot-ngelakuin-juga??? He..hee… mo apa lu!!!!!
Taste is a relative thing to discuss with someone else, but at the same time it could also be judged as a common opinion when more than (let’s say) 100 people (rather) agree on one statement. You would still doubt if AA 'X' told you that the favorite menu of Wong Solo Restaurant is very delicious (i.e. Ayam goreng poligami..he…he?). But when more people like your friends and relatives were also telling you the same, wouldn't you be so curious to dine in with yourself?
If I could just have an opportunity to meet with someone(s) who is in charge of those canteens operations, I would love to propose the following suggestions:
- Look at those uninterested face of employees before and after they took their lunch. Be aware that it might be coming from their deep feeling of your offered food.
- Be more explorative with the menu.!!!! Grilled fresh fish is nothing without saffron rice …and not KousKous that was also served the day before!!!!! I do not hate KousKous eventhough it looked like ‘ampas’ coconut dibubuhi kunyit. But yesterday’s KousKous? Please dehhhh….
- Don’t you ever try to compare your menu with other Siemens canteens such as in Tolzer Strasse, MartinStrasse or Hoffmannstr.? Theirs are not only more delicious but also CHEAPERRRRRR…CHEAPERRRRR and CHEAPERRRRRR.........
Daripada gue cuma ngomel berdua ama Donnie..... it might be more effective by posting it. How I wish one of those people is also blogger and accidentally read this post. Puass rasanya keluar nih uneg-uneg, dan mereka bener baca. Phiuhhhhhhh......... Or, read it or not paling nggak kesel gue udah tertumpah.
Don’t they know??? Should they have nice menus to offer to their valued customers (especially me)………I would not be so desperate to find other training schedule in other Siemens area which means I'd got reason to get rid of those canteens for several days?
I do realize that it would not be so nice complaining of food you (eventually) eat. Ungrateful feeling is always in it, and your humbleness will fade away. But again….as a buyer and a human being, isn’t it natural/legally acceptable/normal/reasonable to expect VALUE FOR FOOD / MONEY wahai pengelola kantin???????
At December 22, 2006 10:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
hehehe..If one of the pengelola kantin read this post, i´m sure they will offer you one simple question....TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT ;)
Bon Appétit!!
At December 22, 2006 11:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Huh...Masih jengkel nih. Mo bkn petisi aja kali...
At December 27, 2006 1:25 AM,
Leny Puspadewi said…
Wekekek...Kecian...deh yang pengen makan enak, apa daya ...
Tapi ya itulah kalo punya waktunya secuil, yg bisa dijangkau cuma atu-atunya... mo gimana lagi daripada perut krubukan...?
Bagusnya sih kasih tau langsung tuh yang punya kantin...kalo mau dijitak maksudnya...*ngabur, takut dipelototin Arman*
At December 30, 2006 6:01 PM,
Leny Puspadewi said…
Selamat Idul Adha dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2007...hip..hip.. horrraaayy...
At January 04, 2007 4:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hehe.. ayo bikin petisi.. *kompor mode on*
Met tahun baru yaak.. Sukses teruzz..
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